Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Career Exploration teacher enjoys classroom, but would appreciate a water fountain


by Ezran Crain

Clark Looney is the Career Exploration teacher and he is one of the first people a yearbook student has interviewed.  He was asked many questions and he gave great answers. 

Question: ”What would you be if you weren't a teacher?”

Answer: “I would be an IT specialist or I would be running a small computer business.”

Question: “If you weren't teaching Career Exploration, then what would you be teaching?”

Answer: “I'd be teaching high school business.”

Question: ”Why did you become a teacher?”

Answer: ”I wanted a job that allowed me to stay close to home because my other job made me move around a lot.” 

Question: “Why are you teaching at a middle school?”

Answer: “The kids could still be interested in learning and they are mature.”

Question: “Do you like teaching?”

Answer: “Most days when students are on task, but yes overall.”

Question: “What do you dislike about teaching?”

Answer: “I don't like managing behaviors. I don't want to be a parent.”

Question: “Do you like your classroom or do you want a different one?”

Answer: “This is my favorite class, but I would add another module and I would add a water fountain.”

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