Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Math teacher discusses career possibilities, video game interests, and more


By Alejandra Garcia Villalobos

Ms. Danae currently teaches math at Waldo Middle School, but she has thought about other career options.

Have you ever wondered what a teacher would do if they weren't teaching? You will find out in this interview.

Question: “If you weren't a teacher what would you be?”

Answer: “I would be a cop because I enjoy the thrill of getting people in trouble and the adrenaline.”

Question: “If you weren't at school at this moment what would you be doing?”

Answer: “I would be at home playing World of Warcraft.”

Question: “What do you like and dislike about your job?”

Answer: “I like the connections I make with students and I like hanging out with Mr. Harrison. I dislike that I work more hours than I'm paid.”

Question: “What are your hobbies?.”

Answer: “My hobbies are photography, video games, and reading. I think that's pretty much it. I’m kind of boring.”

Question: “What's your favorite thing to photograph?” 

Answer: “ Portraits of people are my favorite because I like to capture a significant portion of time for that person. The more artistic the better.”

I hope you found your answer to “What would a teacher do if they weren't teaching?” within this interview.

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